5 Things To Do After Your House Is Broken Into

Posted on: 30 April 2015

Few things are more scary than coming home to shattered glass, missing electronics and the realization that your home has been burglarized. When your home is broken into, you may feel like panicking but it's critical to instead stay calm in order to act in your own best interests. In order to stay on top of things in the chaos that may follow a burglary, simply follow these five tips:

File a Police Report

It's important to call the police right away after your home is broken into. For one thing, you may feel unsafe and need a police officer to check your home on the off chance the intruder is still inside. Secondly, it's critical to file a police report right away. Typically, a police report needs to be filed within 24 hours of the break-in. The sooner it is filed, the more likely it is that the police will be able to apprehend the culprit and recover your belongings, so be sure to call them as soon as you can.

Call Your Insurance Company

Within a day or so of the break-in, you will want to call your insurance company. The insurance claim process will go more smoothly if you are organized. It's a good idea to have a copy of your insurance policy, a copy of the police report, photos of damage caused by the break-in, as well as an itemized list of the items stolen and their estimated value. If you happen to have the original sales receipts from any of the stolen items, be sure to gather those as well because this can help you receive the maximum insurance payout per item.

Call an Emergency Locksmith

Whether the burglar entered your home by breaking the lock on your door or you're simply worried that they found one of the spare keys you had laying around and might return at another date, you're going to want to call an emergency locksmith. Emergency locksmiths work 24 hours a day and can generally get to your house quite quickly. Having your locks changed immediately will help give you the peace of mind needed to stay in your home after it's been burglarized. Contact a company like Aegis Locksmith for more information.

Look into Installing a Security System

An alarm system is a major deterrent to would-be burglars. In fact, 9 out of 10 convicted burglars say they would avoid breaking into a home if they saw that it had a monitored alarm system. If your home was just broken into, you may feel like it's too late to install an alarm system, but nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, installing an alarm system now can help prevent future break-ins as well as give you increased peace of mind and a feeling of safety after the stress of a break-in.

Make sure, if you install an alarm system, that it includes signs for the front of your house to let would-be criminals know your home is protected. These days, alarm systems even incorporate smart technology that allow you to monitor your home remotely from your computer or smartphone.

Consider Seeing a Counselor

Having your home burglarized can feel like a huge violation and even lead to feelings of trauma. If you find yourself having nightmares, feeling anxious, or being afraid to be home alone after the burglary, you may find therapy to be really helpful. A good therapist can help you process your negative feelings regarding the burglary and give you tools to move on emotionally and feel safe again.

Having a home burglarized is a frustrating experience, but by following these tips you can protect yourself both financially and safety-wise. 
